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Stolen survey

2003-05-12 - 12:38 a.m.

Stolen from tatoodnanny, via golf widow:

Nickname: Scorpio Bitch from Hell

Year You Were Born: 1963

Zodiac sign: Scorpio

What 3 Words Best Describe You?: Intense, Generous, Good-natured

Do You Get Along With Your Parents?: Yes

What's On Your Mouse Pad?: Dell

Choose 3 bands (past or present) To Play At Your Birthday Party: The Cure, Pink Floyd, Crystal Method

Most Embarrassing CD In Your Collection: I love �em all (I will confess to ownership of a Starland Vocal Band album)

Dream Car: Navigator

Current Car: '97 Nissan truck

Future Son's Name: I like Jordan

Future Daughter's Name: I like Jasmine

If You Could Have Dinner With Any 3 Persons (Dead or Alive), Who Would They Be?: my dad, Keith Richards and Che Guevara, but not all at the same time!

Do You Have Recurring Dreams? Yeah, that I�m on a narrow road with water on both sides and running over top of the road; also that I�m at some waterfront juke joint and I�m floating away on some debris in the water

Do You Dream In Color?: Oh yeah

Do You Have Any Tattoos/Body Piercings?: Ears, twice in each

What Physical Characteristic Would You Change About Yourself?: Less butt would be nice

What Bad Habit Would You Change About Yourself?: Laziness

What Do You Collect?: Basset hound figures, seashells, rocks

What Is Your Most Prized Possession?: Grandma�s 80 year old china

Pet Peeves: People who smack their lips when they eat

Worst Job You Ever Had: Working for the psycho coroner who threatened to kill me

What Do You Wear To Bed?: nothing, or panties and a t-shirt

Place You'd Most Like To Visit: Ireland

Preferred Way To Die (other than natural causes): I guess aneurysm. They say you never know what hit you.

Words Or Phrases You Overuse: Most curse words

What Are You Afraid Of?: Snakes and big roaches

Name 3 Male And 3 Female Celebrities You Find Attractive: Jimmy Smits, Nicolas Cage, Dave Matthews, Angelina Jolie, Sheryl Crow, the girl who got busted shoplifting and I can�t for the life of me think of her name

Would You Ever Go To A Nude Beach (in the buff, that is): Hahahahaha! Fuck, no!

The Person You'd Most Like To F**k: Jimmy Smits


Cartoon Character: UnderDog

Time Of Year: Summer

Food: Lobster

Drink (non alcoholic): Diet Mountain Dew

Drink (alcoholic): Coors Light

Magazines: Rolling Stone

Board Games: Backgammon or scrabble

TV Shows: 48 Hours or 20 /20

Movies Of All Time: Pulp Fiction, Rush

Smells: Ocean, right before it rains, patchouli

Number: Seven

Night Owl Or Early Riser: Both. I usually get about 5 hours sleep.

Sports Or No Sports: Nuh-uh

Kids Or No Kids: Holding steady with one

Cat Or Dog: 5 dogs

Indoors Or Outdoors: indoors

Hot Or Cold: cold

Mountains Or Oceans: Oceans

Beatles Or Stones: Stones

Thunderstorms - Cool Or Scary: Cool

Toilet Paper Roll - Over Or Under: Under

Are You Righty, Lefty, Or Ambidextrous: Righty

Are You More Of An Introvert Or Extrovert?: Extrovert

Ex- Boy/Girlfriends - Friends Or Enemies?: More enemies (but it�s their faults, not mine)

Zebra - White With Black Stripes, Or Black With White Stripes?: White with black stripes

Threesomes - 2 Guys And A Girl, Or 2 Girls And A Guy?: 2 Guys And A Girl


Love At First Sight: No

God: Yes

Hell: Not in the literal fire and brimstone way, but yes

Aliens: I think that there are others out there

Horoscopes: Yes

Ghosts: Probably

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still here - 2009-12-18
and so it goes - 2008-12-16
Watch out Benedict! - 2008-01-28
She got hit with the cancer stick - 2008-01-26
The Cure, Amy & Britney & Dogshit - 2008-01-05

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