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I am Red Hot!

2004-09-20 - 5:40 p.m.

Daily Drama - my ac isn't blowing cool air. It's 90 freakin' degrees in my house. As if I needed an additional disaster in yet another area of my life. Sometimes I think I must have really, really, really been an awful person in a prior life.

Celynne and I made a tenuous peace amidst many apologies on my part and a promise to enter another show next month and to bust my ass halping her make jewelry. I know, I know. But I really do want to do this; it was simply a timing thing and a total depletion of energy reserves.

Queenie and Gabby are coming back here to stay again. I'm not doing too good on this "no" thing, am I?

But seriously, I want to help my friends. Even though my financial situation is grim, I have a decent, stable home and can share what I have until she gets on her feet again. I would want her to do that for me or mi hija if the roles were reversed.

I'm so hot I'm getting naked and getting in a tub of cool water.

And all that entails . . .

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still here - 2009-12-18
and so it goes - 2008-12-16
Watch out Benedict! - 2008-01-28
She got hit with the cancer stick - 2008-01-26
The Cure, Amy & Britney & Dogshit - 2008-01-05

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