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Heather's survey

2005-06-03 - 3:19 p.m.

***Go back and read about my trip first!

Heather's Survey:

*Slept in your bed: me
*Saw you cry: mi hija
*Made you cry: mi hija
*Spent the night at your house: Gipsy
*You went to the mall with: myself
*Yelled at you: mi hija
*Sent you an e-mail: my aunt l0u

*Said "I love you" and meant it?: Yes.
*Gotten in a fight w/your dog/cat/bird/fish,etc.:nope
*Been to New York?: I've been through NY on my way to MA
-California?: nope.
-Hawaii?: nope.
-Mexico?: nope.
-China?: nope.
-Canada?: nuh-uh.
*Danced naked?: no
*Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: Not the next day, but not too long after, yeah.
*Wish you were the opposite sex?: at Mardi Gras when I have to pee
*Had an imaginary friend?: sure

*Red or blue?: Blue
*Spring or fall?: Spring
*Are you bored?: that's when I get in trouble!
*Last noise you heard?: the AC unit and Coldplay
*Last time you went out of the state/province: last week in IL, OH, and WV, and all pts in between
*What book are you reading now?: re-reading all my Dennis Lehane books
*Worst feeling in the world: rejection
*What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: "Let's do this thang!"
*How many rings before you answer the phone?: 3 or 4
*Future daughter's name: I'm done with all that!
*Future son's name: See above.
*Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Not anymore.
*If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?: writer
*Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous?: righty
*Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?: fer shur
*What's under your bed?: dust bunnies, condom wrappers, the occasional chihuahua
*Location: LA
*College plans: grad school
*Do you do drugs: sure. what you got?
*Do you drink: unfortunately
*Who is your best friend?: Beth in OH; Gipsy down here
*Other great friends?: Flash, Boosey, Red, Tina, Gary,
*What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use?: Cheapo Suave shampoo and Pantene conditioner.
*What are you most scared of?: getting sicker and dying
*What clothes do you sleep in?: either nothing or a shorty nightie and panties
*Who is the last person who called you?: mi hija, to tell me they were going to the pool
*Who do you really hate?: republicans & hypocrites. oh wait; they're one and the same.
*Favorite number: 69 and 714
*Are You Timely Or Always Late: Always on time
*Do You Have A Job: yeah, but it sucks
*Do You Like Being Around People: not that much
*Best feeling in the world: sharing love
*Are you for world peace: absolutely.

*Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: not love, but a crush
*Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: yeah.
*Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: yeah. dark-haired with blue eyes does it for me every time. and latin types.
*Ever Liked a close Guy/Girl Friend: a few times.
*Are You Lonely Right Now: no.
*Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: I'm certain of it, but it certainly doesn't scare me. It's a choice.
*Do You Want To Get Married: nope.
*Do You Want Kids: i hope so, because i sure do have one!

*Room In house: my bedroom. it stays cool even on the hottest summer day.
*Type(s) of music: classic rock, blues and alternative
*Song: tiny dancer
*Memory: 14, with my first love, at his sister's house, on the couch making out, listening to Madman Across the Water over and over; taking mi hija to the MS Gulf Coast when she was about 2 and playing on the beach with her all day, just the 2 of us.
*Day of the week: friday
*Color: purple
*Perfume Or Cologne: patchouli, cK1, 5th Avenue, Romance by Ralph Lauren
*Month: July or October
*Season: summer
*Holiday: mardi gras

*Cried: no
*Bought Something: a sausage biscuit and 4 newspapers
*Gotten Sick: nope
*Sang: nuh uh
*Said I Love You: yes, to my mom, daughter and all of my dogs
*Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: nope
*Met Someone New: does the gas meter guy count?
*Moved On: no. i hope i did that already.
*Had Sex With Someone: only myself!
*Had A Serious Talk: no
*Missed Someone: sigh. yeah.
*Hugged Someone: mi hija
*Kissed Someone: ditto
*Fought With Your Parents: nah
*Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be with: no
*Had a lot of sleep: never enough

*Last car ride: to work
*Last good cry: there is no such animal
*Last library book checked out: I'm like permanently banned from the library
*Last movie seen in theaters: rock star
*Last beverage drank: crunk juice
*Last food consumed: sausage biscuit
*Last phone call: mi hija re going to the pool
*Last shoes worn: platform flip-flops
*Last cd played: cranberries - everybody else is doing it; why can't we?
*Last item bought: a F0st0ria glass vase for my mom at 0gelb@y
*Last annoyance: AC on the fritz at the house
*Last disappointment: not getting the job I applied for at the non-profit agency
*Last time wanting to die: I don't
*Last time scolded: I'm too old to scold. I'll kick your ass.
*Last shirt worn: hot pink summer sweater

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still here - 2009-12-18
and so it goes - 2008-12-16
Watch out Benedict! - 2008-01-28
She got hit with the cancer stick - 2008-01-26
The Cure, Amy & Britney & Dogshit - 2008-01-05

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